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Primitive assets

Lowest level, “raw data” assets.



  • Image
  • Audio

What’s next?

1 - Mesh asset

A primitive asset for storing vertex data.

Mesh overview

Mesh assets store an object’s vertex data, and how the vertices are connected to form triangles.

Mesh body

|        40 bytes        |       n * 64 bytes      |       m * 32 bytes       |
|      Mesh manifest     | Vertex group info array |   Extension info array   |
| Buffer
struct Asset_Body_Mesh {
    Mesh_Manifest           manifest;               // 40 bytes
    Vertex_Group_Info       []vertex_group_infos;   // Count provided in manifest. 55 bytes each.
    Extension_Info          []extension_infos;      // Count provided in manifest. 32 bytes each.
    uint8_t                 []buffer;               // Size provided in manifest.

A mesh asset body MUST contain a 40 byte Mesh_Manifest, followed by a variable length array of 55 byte Vertex_Group_Info structs. Mesh assets MAY include a variable length array of 32 byte Extension_Info structs.

The count of Vertex_Group_Info structs and Extension_Info structs MUST be provided in the manifest.


|00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31|
|                              Bounding Box                             | VG count  | Ext count |
|      Buffer size      | Next ext. |
struct Mesh_Manifest {
    float32_t[6]    bounding_box;           //, Extents are half of box dimensions.
    uint32_t        vertex_group_count;
    uint32_t        extension_count;
    uint64_t        buffer_size;

    uint32_t        next_mesh_extension;    // (index + 1) into extension info array. Zero indicates no extensions.

A mesh MUST contain one or more vertex groups. Each vertex group SHOULD correspond to one draw call in the renderer, and MAY be used to draw different parts of a mesh with a different material or shader.

A vertex group MUST contain sub-buffer offsets for each vertex attribute.

Vertex Group Info

|00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31|
|                              Bounding Box                             |  Buf slice begin idx  |
|    Buf slice size     |       Idx count       |      Vert count       |TC|CL|JW|EX| Next ext. |
struct Vertex_Group_Info {
    float32_t[6]    bounding_box;               //, Extents are half of box dimensions.
    uint64_t        buffer_slice_begin_index;
    uint64_t        buffer_slice_size;
    uint32_t        index_count;
    uint32_t        vertex_count;

    uint8_t         texcoord_channel_count;
    uint8_t         color_channel_count;
    uint8_t         joint_weight_channel_count;
    uint8_t         extension_attribute_channel_count;
    uint32_t        next_attribute_extension;   // (index + 1) into extension_info array. Zero indicates no extensions.

A vertex group MUST have an index buffer. Its count MUST be a multiple of 3.

A vertex group MUST have the following attributes:

  • float32_t[3] position
  • float32_t[3] normal
  • float32_t[4] tangent

A vertex group MAY have zero or more channels of the following attributes:

  • uint16_t[2] texcoord (in unorm format)
  • uint8_t[4] color (in RGBA format)
  • uint16_t[4] joints
  • uint16_t[4] weights
  • application-specific extension attributes

The number of joint and weight channels for a vertex group MUST be equal.


All vertex attribute data for a given vertex group MUST be contiguous and de-interleaved.

For any attributes with multiple channels, all channels of the same attribute type MUST be contiguous and de-interleaved.

+==== Vert group 0 ====+
|  Index list          |
|  Position            |
|  Normal              |
|  Tangent             |
|  ? Texcoord[0]       |
|  ? Texcoord[1]       |
|  ? Color[0]          |
|  ? Color[1]          |
|  ? Joints[0]         |
|  ? Joints[1]         |
|  ? Weights[0]        |
|  ? Weights[1]        |
|  ? Ext attributes[0] |
+==== Vert group 1=====+
|  Index list          |

|                      |
|  ? Extension data[0] |

Reference implementation

A reference implementation can be found in the Callisto repository.